Rā Tūwhera ki Ōtari - Ōtari Open Day
Head on down to Ōtari this Saturday (September 14) and celebrate Rā Tūwhera ki Ōtari | Ōtari Open Day. Co-hosted by the Trust and Wellington Gardens, there’s lots happening. Here’s a summary:
Behind the Scenes Tours – see Ōtari’s nursery, where some of New Zealand’s rarest native plants are cared for (hosted by Ōtari gardeners), join the scientists doing amazing conservation research in the Lions Ōtari Conservation Lab, or tour the gardens with Trust guides.
- Workshops – Raranga (With respected kaiako Linda Lee of Ōtari Raranga Weavers), Rongoā (traditional Māori health with Ngāti Toa Rangatira Sharli Solomon), Taonga Tākaro (Open Lab) and a special Terranium workshop.
- You won’t want to miss the live music with Ali Whitton (morning) or traditional Māori activities on the lawn with Tū Mātau Ora (afternoon).
- Plant sales – there will be many plants for sale, propagated especially for Open Day in the Trust’s own Ōtari Nursery, featuring plants carefully selected for their suitability for Wellington home gardens.
- Many of the groups and individuals who work to protect and enhance the natural world
around Wellington will be there: Capital Kiwi, Conservation Volunteers, expert entomologists, our neighbours Trelissick Park Group, our own RAMBO trapping group, and more. Check out photographer Tony Stoddard’s amazing bird images on the television screen in Tāne Whakapiripiri, the visitor centre.
- Trust members will be there, promoting all the things we do and letting potential new members know how they can become involved to support Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush. We’ll be selling yummy home baking and preserves – and don’t miss the chance to win our raffle, this stunning artwork ‘Kererū eating kōwhai’ by Judi Lapsley Miller:
Note: Workshops and tours are free, please confirm your place and register on eventfinder.co.nz
Posted: 9 September 2024